MVS OXYMED Medical Oxygen Plant


Over the years, the intent of Hospitals worldwide for onsite oxygen generation has been growing and hospitals have already implemented the change to produce their own medical Oxygen Onsite. OXYMED PSA Medical Oxygen generators are installed with purity monitoring device which ensures that the oxygen produced is within the acceptable purity limits. Permissible range of Oxygen from PSA plants as per pharmacopeia is 93% ± 3%. If oxygen purity drops below 90%, the gas generator stops immediately, and the system automatically switches to the backup supply.

Since its inception in 1977, MVS Engineering has been at the forefront of technology and has supplied over 7000 air and gas equipment worldwide. We are a turnkey supplier of Air and Gas equipment and have been a market leader in developing and executing on-site systems for continuous uninterrupted supply of high purity gases and dry air.


Oxygen Plant Capacity
3 cylinders / day to 300 cylinders / day
Oxygen Purity
In compliance with Indian Pharmacopeia - India – IP 2010 - Oxygen 93 per Cent contains not less than 90.0 per cent and not more than 96.0 per cent of oxygen, the remainder consisting mostly of argon and nitrogen.
Safe pressure for direct delivery into medical gas pipeline. Usually less than 5 bar(g)
Gas Storage & Backup
Several options are available for storage of gas and for connecting to backup supply of Oxygen in case of the need to switchover.

Historically, hospitals have relied on cylinders and liquid oxygen tanks for their oxygen supply needs for patients. Since 1970s, PSA Oxygen generators have become the preferred source for hospitals that want uninterrupted oxygen supply and want control of their oxygen needs. Oxygen supply in Hospitals is a vital necessity to save the lives of patients who fail to inhale air due to different respiratory issues. MVS Engineering Pvt. Ltd is a renowned name in the field of providing Onsite solutions for Oxygen for Hospitals. This company has especially provided Medical Oxygen Generators that fulfill the requirements of all large and small hospitals. Operating cost also reduces significantly when a PSA Oxygen system is installed. Because Oxygen has traditionally been delivered from Cryogenic sources, the medical Oxygen specified that purity had to be greater than 99%. However, extensive clinical trials led to conclusion that 93 ± 3% Oxygen from PSA Oxygen generator presented no physiological effect on patients and therefore, now Oxygen generated by PSA generators is acceptable for use and is recognized and permitted by USA, European and Indian Pharmacopeia.


Fully automated Medical Oxygen plant delivering Oxygen directly to pipeline 24x7


How Medical Oxygen Generator Works?

PSA (Pressure Swing Adsorption) is an economical alternative for Onsite production of Oxygen for Medical use and is in use for over 30 years in the medical industry. Ambient air entering the compressors is 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, less than 1% argon and other gases. As nitrogen is separated, the resulting product gas is up to 95.5% oxygen purity. PSA process comprises of Zeolite filled towers and is based on the fact that different gases have the property to be attracted to different solid surfaces more or less strongly. This happens with nitrogen, which is attracted to the zeolites. As the air is compressed, the nitrogen is forced into the crystalline cages of the zeolite, and the oxygen is less adsorbed and conveyed to the end of the zeolite bed and ultimately recovered in the oxygen buffer tank. Two zeolite beds are used together: One filters air under pressure until it gets saturated with nitrogen while oxygen passes through. The second filter begins to do the same while the first one is regenerated as nitrogen is expulsed (desorbed) by releasing the pressure. The process repeats again, storing the oxygen in a tank.

Medical Oxygen Generator


Medical Oxygen Building Blocks

MVS direct delivery Medical Oxygen plants consist of the following:

  • Screw type Air Compressor with Refrigeration Dryer
  • Multistage Coalescing type Oil filters to purify Air, Oil content below 0.001 ppm
  • Air Receiver
  • Oxygen Generator with PLC Control & Oxygen Analyzer
  • Oxygen Buffer Tank
  • Micro & Bacterial filtration unit

Connecting to MGPS

If Oxygen is supplied through a pipeline distribution system, Oxygen generator can be connected directly to the pipeline through Oxygen Buffer tank. The Pipeline system is connected in parallel to reserve Oxygen cylinders to maintain Oxygen supply in the event of Oxygen supply pressure falling below 3.5 Barg or drop in oxygen purity


Safety Interlocks


The generator is equipped with Online Digital Analyzer to measure Oxygen purity before it goes to Buffer tank. If purity falls below set points, the Oxygen supply to storage tank stops & alarm signal is displayed to indicate generator malfunction. Drop in purity also signals for the gas supply to be diverted to the backup Oxygen supply. This is done automatically by the switchover panel. It closes Auto-shut-off valve in Oxygen supply line & actuates reserve cylinder Oxygen supply valve to maintain continuous Oxygen supply.


Pressure in Oxygen Buffer tank is continuously monitored by Pressure Transmitter. Whenever Oxygen Buffer vessel pressure falls below 3.5 Bar, an alarm is sounded. Drop in buffer vessel pressure also activates the reserve supply system to be activated automatically through the switchover panel.


In most hospital applications, Oxygen is consumed at 4-Barg pressure & this pressure is directly produced from our Onsite Oxygen generators. For back-up of Oxygen, either market Oxygen cylinders can be connected or, alternatively, we supply Cylinders filling system which fills Oxygen cylinders up to 150-Bar pressure & these Oxygen cylinders are used as back-up cylinders. Also, for remote locations use, these filled Oxygen cylinders can be used.

Oxygen Delivery Schemes

Oxygen Delivery Schemes

Scheme 1 : Basic

This is the most basic supply scheme and the simplest implementation for any hospital thinking about installing an online Oxygen Generator for noninterrupted supply. We install one Oxygen generator and provide a switchover panel. The switchover panel will switch to the existing Oxygen cylinder manifold in case of drop in purity or pressure or any maintenance for the Oxygen generator.
Medical Oxygen Generator

Scheme 2 : Redundant

This scheme is an extension of the basic. For remote areas, customers may consider having a 1W + 1S (one working, one standby) Oxygen generator and operate them alternately. The tertiary backup can still be provided from a cylinder manifold.

Medical Oxygen Generator

Scheme 3 : Cylinder Filling

In this scheme, customer can consider filling their own backup cylinders and thereby eliminating the need to procure cylinders from the market.

Medical Oxygen Generator



ModelProduction Capacity (Nm3/hr)Production Capacity (LPM)Equivalent Cylinder Production (Per Day)
OXYMED-55 Nm3/hr83 LPM17
OXYMED-1010 Nm3/hr167 LPM34
OXYMED-1515 Nm3/hr250 LPM50
OXYMED-2020 Nm3/hr333 LPM68
OXYMED-3030 Nm3/hr500 LPM100
OXYMED-4040 Nm3/hr667 LPM135
OXYMED-5050 Nm3/hr833 LPM170
OXYMED-6060 Nm3/hr1000 LPM205

Medical Oxygen Generator

Pharmacopeia acceptance of PSA

Pharmacopeia acceptance of PSA

USA –United States Pharmacopeia (USP) XXII oxygen 93% Monograph
USP requirements: Oxygen 93 Percent USP – Preserve in cylinders or in a low pressure collecting tank. Containers used for Oxygen 93 Percent must not be treated with any toxic, sleep-inducing, or narcosis-producing compounds, and must not be treated with any compound that will be irritating to the respiratory tract when the Oxygen 93 Percent is used. It is Oxygen produced from air by the molecular sieve process. Where it is piped directly from the collecting tank to the point of use, label each outlet “Oxygen 93 Percent.” Contains not less than 90.0% and not more than 96.0%, by volume, of oxygen, the remainder consisting mostly of argon and nitrogen. Meets the requirements for Identification, Odor, Carbon dioxide (not more than 0.03%), and Carbon monoxide (not more than 0.001%).
UK –HTM #02-01 Medical Gas Pipeline Systems
• Oxygen can also be supplied from an oxygen concentrator (pressure-swing adsorber). Such systems are usually installed where liquid or cylinders are expensive, unavailable or impracticable.

• The PSA process has reached a high level of technical sophistication and is capable of producing oxygen with a concentration of about 95%. (For the UK the minimum level, below which the emergency/reserve manifold will come into operation, is 94%.)

India – IP 2010
Oxygen 93 per Cent contains not less than 90.0 per cent and not more than 96.0 per cent of oxygen, the remainder consisting mostly of argon and nitrogen. It is produced from air by the molecular sieve process.
ISO 10083 : 2006
• ISO 10083:2006 specifies requirements for the design and installation of an oxygen concentrator supply system for use with a medical gas pipeline distribution system that complies with ISO 7396-1.

• The standard applies only to oxygen concentrator supply systems that produce oxygen-enriched air with an oxygen concentration not less than 90%.



Indian Pharmacopeia, European Pharmacopeia, British HTM, US FDA standards all permit medical gas produced using the PSA process to be utilized in hospitals and medical facilities.

Cylinder Oxygen/ Liquid Oxygen costs Rs. 30 per cubic meter. Whereas in oxygen generator gas cost is only Rs. 10 per cubic meter. So you get big cost saving. Return on investment is less than 2-years. For Oxygen cylinders handling, you need to keep 3-workers in 8 hours shift, costing Rs. 30,000 per month, additional burden.

From Oxygen generator, you get oxygen all 365-days. Whereas there may be interruptions in market Oxygen supply due to non-availability of cylinders or delay in delivery of cylinders due to transportation delays. PSA is a well proven technology and thousands of such Medical Oxygen generators are being used worldwide in hospitals. These produce oxygen with steady purity and pressure of 5 kg/cm2g for supplying Oxygen through pipe line directly to beds.

For keeping cylinders or liquid tank, you need to keep safety distances as per factory regulations. So big space is required, whereas Oxygen generator has no such regulations and can be installed in the corridor or on the back side of hospital or on the terrace.

We recommend that you keep a backup cylinder stock ready for dealing with any unexpected outages such as power outage for extended period, equipment maintenance etc. Keeping the equipment healthy and well-maintained will ensure that your cylinder ordering remains minimal.

It is possible to recover your investment in less than 2-year time which is an attractive financial proposition for any hospital. You not only save money on the cost of oxygen, you also benefit from reduced man power cost needed for cylinders handling.

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