Cryomech Cold Helium Circulation Systems (CHCS) can assist with cryocooling Vibration-sensitive applications in the 20-100K range. The customer’s object is cooled by mounting it to a cold finger through which circulating, constant-pressure, and cold helium flows to absorb the heat load. The cold helium is cryocooled by a Gifford-McMahon Cycle Cryocooler separated from the cold finger by the flexible Cold Helium Transfer Line, eliminating the vibrations. The complete system is closed-cycle and operates with the reliability of the GM Cryocoolers.
The CHCS comes in two capacity sizes:
- CHCS120 – 120W, and
- CHCS200 – 200W @ 80K.
Cryomech’s CHCS is a cryocooled open-flow cryostat type system. Where the open end of the flowing cold cryogen has been closed off and repumped, recryocooled, and recirculated so no cryogens are needed. Inside the vacuum chamber assembly, the cold head of the AL Series Cryocooler interfaces with the circulating cold helium. In this, the heat load added to the cold finger is pumped out of the CHCS.
Components of Gifford-McMahon Cycle Cryocooler include a compressor package, the cold head, two flexible lines and motor cord.
Cryomech’s reservoir design provides the benefit of thermal inertia added by the accumulated liquid helium. This thermal inertia allows cooling stations with excellent temperature stability. All our cryostats provide inherent temperature stability.
Your scientific research may require specialized equipment to perform complex procedures. We, at Cryomech, recognize this and request you to challenge us with your custom cryostat application. Some of our custom options include:
- Optical windows
- Location and number of instrumentation access points
- Clamping flanges for faster sample changes
- Sample stages with greater or less capacity
- Sample stage mounting hole patterns
Cryomech offers the following cryostats for your needs:
- 1K Cryostat (Provide 200 mW of cooling at ≤ 2.0 K*)
- 4K Cryostat (Provide 0.5 W of cooling at 4.2 K**)
- *Cryostat specified using Cryomech PT410
*Cryorefrigerator. Different performance may be achieved with cold heads of greater or lesser capacity.
**Cryostat specified using Cryomech PT407 Cryorefrigerator. Different performance may be achieved with cold heads of greater or lesser capacity.