The Use of Latest Technology in A PSA Oxygen Generator

Oxygen generators have become a necessity in different sectors now, due to the wide uses of oxygen gas. However, it is important to choose a good quality generator, to prevent malfunctioning and related accidents. MVS Engineering Pvt. Ltd is a reputed manufacturer of gas generators, which has been operating since 1977. It has applied the latest Pressure Swing Adsorption technology to create a PSA oxygen generator. This device is made in compliance with the standards set by Indian Pharmacopeia.

Functioning of a PSA oxygen generator

MVS Engineering has designed a PSA oxygen generator with two large vessels, which are packed with molecular sieves, along with activated alumina. These sieves are replaceable and can be changed after using continuously for many years. Air is received in this generator, which is first compressed and cooled in an air compressor. Then compressed air passes into a dryer, to eliminate water vapor molecules mixed with other gases. Oil particles present in the air should be removed as well, to maintain a high purity level of oxygen.

Then air enters a vessel containing molecular sieves, where nitrogen is fully absorbed, leaving only oxygen. Pure oxygen is collected through the exhaust vent into a large tank. When molecular sieves of a vessel are saturated with nitrogen, the oxygen production is switched to the second vessel. The absorbed nitrogen is later released back into the atmosphere. Thus, the output of this generator never stops until it is manually switched off.

The main features of a PSA oxygen generator

The PSA oxygen plant manufactured by MVS Engineering is known to possess the following features, which are the reasons for its high popularity.

● Pure oxygen flows out and is delivered at the speed of 1 nm3/hr – 200 nm3/hr; depending on the capacity of the oxygen generator. However, if a higher flow rate is required, MVS Engineering offers VPSA oxygen generators that can deliver oxygen at a pressure of up to 1.3 Kg/cm2.

● The purity level of oxygen varies from 93% to 95%, which is suitable for most industrial applications. If the purity level drops below 90%, the oxygen generator is automated to stop production and the oxygen supply is switched to the backup tanks. Minute traces of argon and other inert gases remain in this pure oxygen gas.

● The dew point of oxygen gas is (-) 40 °C, which proves the extreme dryness of this gas. This dryness can be measured by an instrument fitted to the generator.

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Therefore, MVS Engineering is a reliable brand for buying a PSA oxygen generator, which can be safely used in any sector.