Nitrogen Gas for Bright Annealing of Copper and Cupro Nickel

MVS has supplied a Nitrogen Gas Plant to one of the leading Indian manufacturer and exporter of seamless extruded Copper, Copper Alloy Products, Cupro Nickel, Cunifer, Aluminium Brass, Admiralty Brass. This customer is located in the state of Rajasthan, INDIA.

The customer requires Nitrogen for Annealing of Copper.

Customer has procured Nitrogen Inert Gas Plant from MVS of following specifications:

Technology : High Purity Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA) – with De-Oxo system


Capacity : 300 Nm3/hr


Application : Bright Annealing of Copper and Cupro Nickel

To achieve a bright surface finish during the annealing of Copper and Brass products, the annealing process requires a gas that is highly reducing and hence hydrogen gas is used. This introduces the risk that when Hydrogen is combined with oxygen in the form of air in the right proportions, it becomes explosive. To overcome this Nitrogen Gas is used for purging and safety by eliminating possibility of Hydrogen mixing with air.

This complete Nitrogen Gas Plant was done on turnkey basis including Air Compressor, Big size Nitrogen storage tanks and Deoxo Reactors and Dryer Heaters.

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Over the last 30-years, we have supplied 400+ Nitrogen gas generators for most of the leading metallurgical heat treatment companies in India and overseas. Increasingly, customers are choosing on-site generators for Nitrogen and Hydrogen as it is a more cost effective solution.

About PSA Nitrogen Generators

For customers who are using Nitrogen gas through cylinders, PSA Nitrogen Generators provides many benefits including much lower cost of Nitrogen. PSA Nitrogen Generators are very low maintenance and give 24×7 operation and peace of mind to customers. PSA is a very mature technology and MVS is India’s largest PSA Nitrogen generator manufacturer having supplied over 1200 Nitrogen gas generators worldwide.

(Stock image of a similar High Purity PSA Nitrogen plant)

About MVS Engineering Limited

MVS Engineering is a turnkey supplier of Gas generation equipment for Nitrogen, Oxygen and Hydrogen gases. Additionally, we also manufacture Air, Gas, Liquid Dryers and also Gas Purification systems. MVS is the largest supplier of gaseous Nitrogen, Oxygen and Hydrogen plants in India. Besides India, MVS also regularly exports it’s equipment to the Middle East, Africa, South East Asia and Europe.

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MVS was founded in 1977 and has supplied over 7000 Skid mounted units worldwide. Read more about the company in the About Us section of our website.

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