Get Pure Oxygen for hospitals from PSA Oxygen Plant

Doctors often administer various medicinal substances to save their patients, among which oxygen is a prime one. Some patients need a continuous supply of oxygen gas to restore their normal breathing capability. The use of oxygen cylinders can be too expensive for such patients. So, MVS Engineering Pvt. Ltd offers onsite oxygen generators that can supply pure oxygen for hospital beds to help patients suffering from respiratory ailments.

Procurement Cost (Cylinders) – Rs. 40 to 45/- per M3
Procurement Cost (LMO) – Rs. 15 to 20/- per M3
Cost of Production (PSA Plant) – Rs. 7 to 8/- per M3

Useful features of an oxygen plant

Various patients need respiratory support through oxygen gas passed into their nostrils. Oxygen passes into their lungs and helps them recover quickly from their ailments. So, all doctors prefer oxygen for hospital, produced by highly efficient oxygen plants provided by MVS Engineering. These fully automated oxygen plants are comprised of the following parts –

● Receiver of air
● Air compressor
● Oil filters

● PSA towers – Two large vessels packed with crystalline zeolite are used for separating oxygen from nitrogen present in the air. Pressure Swing Adsorption technology is used in this generator, due to which nitrogen is absorbed in the zeolite beds. Oxygen passes over the zeolite and moves out through a vent. An oxygen analyzer is also fitted with these towers, to check the purity level of oxygen.

● Oxygen tank – Pure and dry oxygen is collected in a large tank, which can later be used as backup when oxygen production is interrupted. Oxygen is delivered through pipelines to hospital beds, for patients’ use.

● Microorganism filters – Oxygen should be free of bacteria and other harmful microorganisms before being sent to patients admitted to hospitals. Hence, oxygen is passed through some specially designed filters, to eliminate these microorganisms.

Therefore, MVS Engineering is widely acclaimed for manufacturing the best quality oxygen generators, which supply oxygen for hospital continuously. It supplies oxygen plants with all the safety features fitted for the convenience of users. These PSA oxygen generators ensure that oxygen is delivered continuously for all patients.

More than 2000 Oxygen Plants have been supplied to various hospitals during & post COCID. Majority are functional & saving lots of money on Oxygen supply.

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MVS has earned a trusted name in the field of onsite gas generations systems (Oxygen, Nitrogen, Hydrogen, Biogas) since 1977. High engineered solutions, quality components, commitment & strong after sales support have been the USPs of MVS Engineering.